MiHEC’s June 2018 visit to DRC

During June 15-30, 2018, MiHEC president Tina Salumu traveled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo on behalf of the organization.  The trip–including flights–was made largely at her own expense, with MiHEC reimbursing her for some extra carry-on and shipping agency costs.

Tina ended up taking two-and-a-half suitcases full of MiHEC donations along with her for distribution.  These goods were added to the (at least seven) boxes that shipped in December from Denver and arrived in April in Kinshasa.

Tina then divided up the goods, which she supervised the distribution of in:

  1. Kimbondo Orphanage in Kinshasa
  2. Hôpital Général de Kindu in Maniema (baby clothes, blankets, toothbrushes, toothpaste to the hospital’s maternity ward)
  3. Village of Lubile (clothing, shoes, toothbrushes, and toothpaste to local children)
  4. A new orphanage under construction in Kindu (lots of baby clothes)

Videos of some of the June distributions have been posted to MiHEC’s Facebook page.  Tina received an especially joyful reception in Lubile, where she was welcomed by joyful singing and dancing. She also gave the Hôpital Général de Kindu a nebulizer as a gift (an aerosol compressor for asthma and breathing difficulties).

Tina cited a desperate need for more nebulizers for some newborns and premature babies. She said these could be acquired from eBay in the U.S. for $25, whereas she had to pay $100 to buy one in Kindu.  Please consider making a donation to MiHEC so we can acquire and ship nebulizers and other goods to the above orphanages and hospitals.